Fundraise for the Sanctuary

Raise Funds to Help Our Animals

Hosting a fundraiser event is a fantastic way to support our work and a great opportunity to grow the community of people who care about the animals.

Back Into Daylight relies on a small group of volunteers and private donors to care for all the animals. For that reason it’s really great when people can host individual fundraisers to help us.

There are many fantastic ways to fundraise. You can for example:

Host a Social Event

By organising a fixed entry price event or one that simply encourages the attendees who can donate to contribute financially, you can raise very needed funds for our animals. Event ideas: raffle, quiz night, vegan potluck, movie screening etc.

Organise a Vegan Bake Sale

Encourage your friends and local businesses to make and donate some lovely cakes or other tasty treats that you can sell at your fundraising event. This also creates an opportunity for people to come together and enjoy vegan food 🙂

Offer a Class

Show off your skills and share them with the community, while raising funds for our beautiful residents! You can host a vegan cooking event, a yoga or meditation class, a bootcamp session, an animal behaviour training or any other great class that people could enjoy while contributing to a good cause.

Take a Challenge

You can run a marathon or participate in any other exciting challenge that doesn’t involve any animal use. In 2020 Ian Lawton our local supporter ran 50 miles (that is almost 2 marathons!!) barefoot and raised funds to fix our digger and finish a brand new shed for our beautiful animals!

Other Fundraising Ideas

You can get creative and come up with your very own idea to raise funds for Back Into Daylight. A big thank you to everyone who supports our work! None of this would ever be possible without your help and efforts.

Get In Touch with the Sanctuary

Please message us if you are hosting a fundraising event and would like us to promote it across different platforms. We will be delighted to share your efforts with all our followers.


Other Ways You Can Help Us

There are also other great ways you can help the residents of our sanctuary. Please have a look at this page to see all the options. Thank you for considering to support us!

We are extremely grateful to people who fundraised for us in the past!

All funds collected go directly to helping the many animals in our care.